Sunday, July 4, 2010

Day 28

Hi, everyone! First off, I fall on my sword. I have NOT been a very good blogger this week. However, here's the scoop. After a disappointing finish to my quarter at work, I took off the first 2 days of July to prepare for my brother's wedding. I was making the wedding cake, so I knew this was going to present a problem. A 3 layer sour cream chocolate cake with passion fruit buttercream...yummy. Anyhoo, the wheels have fallen off of my ED plan. Thursday was several samplings of the buttercream, Friday was several samplings of the cake scraps with the buttercream, Saturday I did fast until it was time to eat but there were NO ED choices at the wedding (with the exception of some raw veggies...snore), and then today has been mostly good choices but not necessarily low carb and probably way too many calories at my meals. I drank alcohol both yesterday (dammit, it was my brother's wedding and I wanted to have a couple of freakin' drinks!) and today (staying with one of my best friends and her 3 year old was making us both nuts...she drove us both to drink today...but hey, she's 3 after all and doing what a 3 year old does best...whatever she wants to!)

The past week my exercise has really fallen off as well. I always do the morning exercise, and usually the one right before bed, but I have not exercised in the middle of the day for about a week now. Yes, shame on me.

I'm still down 7 lbs since starting this endeavor, with which I am very happy. I didn't weigh myself this morning though as I am not at home and don't have my regular scale. When I get up on Tuesday morning and weigh myself at home I am quite sure I am going to pay the price for my cheats, but it will just be time to focus back on 80/20 Elimination Diet and deal with life as it comes. I'm not going to beat myself up over the little things this time. What a concept!

On the very nice side of things, I did have some pics taken at my brother's wedding where I was very pleased with how I looked. That phenomenon hasn't happened in about 10 years! I usually HATE pictures of myself, but maybe I'm rounding the corner here. I will try to post them (along with some pics of the cake) when I get back home after the July 4th weekend and get a chance to upload the pictures.

I hope you're all doing well out there in Dax Moy/ED land, and I wish you all the best! I'm looking forward to seeeing what day 30 brings and the changes everyone has experienced!

Peace, everyone!


  1. Hey Robin! I was wondering how your weekend was going, since you had way too much temptation around... But I hope you enjoyed it! And you know what: this is not over for us on Tuesday! I suggest we stop the wave for a few weeks, but keep a fast day or two per week (shouldn't be too hard at the office as long as Christina stays away :-)), and we'll keep the workouts going over lunch. So glad to hear you are finally liking your pictures again! :-) You go girl!

  2. Great to hear you had a good time Robin - and it's good to hear you are a fellow human being! :o) That cake sounds so good...!

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